The prehistoric program at the Department of Archaeology, University of Haifa is a center of excellence in prehistoric research. The department is widely acknowledged worldwide for its long history of accomplishments in the prehistory of Mount Carmel:
A. Several multidisciplinary projects in prehistoric archaeology of Mount Carmel including surveys, excavations and advanced laboratory studies are currently conducted by members of the Department of Archaeology and other departments in the University of Haifa. These include a wide variety of studies in biological evolution, palaeo-ecology, geomorphology, geology and the impact of forest fires on present geomorphological processes and plant and animal communities of the mountain. These studies are based on close cooperation among scholars from diverse disciplines and university departments including archaeology, geography and biology.
B. Prehistorians at the University of Haifa have a track record of over 40 years of experience in excavating prehistoric sites in Mount Carmel and reconstructing their palaeo-ecology. As a close knit research group, we emphasize continual contribution to regional and global knowledge and make it our duty to keep abreast of the most recent developments in method and theory within a continuously changing discipline. One of our main goals is to provide opportunities for students to acquire hands-on experience with the fundamentals of prehistoric archaeology and to specialize in the varied subject matters of this discipline. We, therefore, strive to incorporate undergraduate and graduate students in our ongoing projects. Thus, we return to some of the important sites excavated generations ago, armed with revised research questions and applying new and sophisticated techniques, with our students participating in all aspects of the planning and day-to-day running of the field expeditions and laboratory studies.