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M.A. Program in Jewish Studies - International Program

Faculty of Humanities I University of Haifa

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Faculty (and areas of expertise)

Prof. Eyal Ben Elyahu
Prof. Eyal Ben ElyahuChair of the Dept. of Jewish History (Ancient Judaism Second Temple, Mishna & Talmud). name@domain.com
Area of experties
Teaches Second Temple and Roman-Byzantine Jewish history. His interests include the perception of “space and place,” holy places, and borders in late antiquity. He is currently working on a new project on the Jewish diaspora in late antiquity
Dr. Micha Perry
Dr. Micha PerryProgram coordinator (Medieval Jewish History)michajperry@gmail.com
Area of experties
Micha J. Perry (Ph.D. Hebrew University, 2008) teaches medieval Jewish history at the department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa. He was a Fulbright scholar (2007) as well as a Starr Fellow at Harvard University (2008), and has taught at UCLA, Yale (2009-11) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His main areas of research are:History of Jewish Law; Histoire des Mentalités; Transmission and Sociology of knowledge; Medieval Jewish Material Culture; and Jewish-Christian relations in Medieval Europe.

Among his publications are: Tradition and Transformation: Knowledge Transmission among Medieval Jews (in Hebrew, Tel Aviv 2010); “The Imaginary War between Prester John and Eldad the Danite and Its Real Implications,” Viator 41/1 (2010): 1-23; with Constant J. Mews, “Peter Abelard, Heloise, and Jewish Biblical Exegesis in the Twelfth Century,” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 62,1 (January 2011): 3-19; “Imaginary Space meets Actual Space in 13th-Century Cologne: Eliezer Ben Joel and the Eruv,” Images: A Journal of Jewish Art and Visual Culture 5 (2011): 26-36
Dr. Yizhak Feder
Dr. Yizhak FederBiblical Studiesname@domain.com
Area of experties
Comming soon
Dr. Hillel Newman
Dr. Hillel NewmanJudaism in Antiquitylhnewman@internet-zahav.net.il
Area of experties
Comming soon
  Dr. Moshe Lavee
Dr. Moshe LaveeTalmud and Midrash, Genizah Studiesmlavee@research.haifa.ac.il
Area of experties
Comming soon
Dr. Cedric Cohen Skalli
Dr. Cedric Cohen Skalli Jewish Philosophyccohensk@univ.haifa.ac.il
Area of experties
 Dr. Cedric Cohen Skalli is Lecturer at the dept. for Jewish history and Jewish thought at the University of Haifa where he teaches early modern, modern and post-modern Jewish Thought.
  Prof. Yossi Chajes
Prof. Yossi ChajesEarly Modern Cultural History & Kabbalahchajes@research.haifa.ac.il
Area of experties
J. H. (Yossi) Chajes (Ph.D., Yale University 1999) is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa and the director of its Center for the Study of Jewish Culture. A former recipient of Fulbright, Rothchild, Wexner, and Hartman Fellowships, Chajes has also been a visiting professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York and twice a fellow at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. His book, Between Worlds: Dybbuks, Exorcists, and Early Modern Judaism (2003) was listed by the Wall Street Journal as among the top five books ever written on spirit possession, alongside Aldous Huxley’s The Devils of Loudun. He currently directs the Israel Science Foundation supported “Ilanot Project”—an ambitious attempt to catalogue and describe all kabbalistic cosmological diagrams.